Yes, you can fit Ikea's Utrusta hinges (specifically the 153-degree type) to older Akurum cabinets (w/ Integral hinges) with slight modification. You'll need:
- gumption: this is not a direct bolt-on modification and it finds you drilling larger keyholes in your now-discontinued doors
- 153-degree hinges: these are available new at IKEA
- 9/32 drill bit
- a steady hand
- the original Akurum T-style mounting plates: Perhaps you already have these mounted — if not, you'll need to find some or drill new pilot holes for the flat Sektion style — even more nerve wracking.
At first glance, the older Integral hinges and the 153-degree Utrusta are identical. They are not. They're close — and usable — but they are not direct bolt-on replacements. In order to use them, you'll need to drill larger keyholes in your doors. If you have your old/existing T-style mounting plates, you can re-use them (they are a direct bolt on), but if you don't, you'll either have to find some in an Integral set or drill new holes for the Utrusta / Flat-style as the hold configuration between the cabinets are different (side/side vs. top/bottom). Neither are hard, but if you're not careful, you can screw up a door that is no longer made. Here's how to do it and avoid catastrophe:
You can see the key "nuggets" are a bit larger on the Utrusta necessitating that you either shave them off or drill slightly larger keyholes in your doors.
You'll want to retain your original T-style mounting plates. You can certainly drill new holes for the Utrusta ones (they're more adjustable), but in many cases, the fewer holes in particleboard, the better.
Drilling larger holes is nerve-wracking. Be careful that the drill bit doesn't surge forward and puncture the face of the cabinet. I used a 9/32 drill bit... a tight fit, still, but better than to big. A rubber mallet helped to nest them in place.
All mounted up... now we can install the drawers inside the cabinet... something we should have done a loooong time ago.
You can compare the older style Integral hinge here with the Utrusta hinge (one picture above). They're similar, but not exact.