In an attempt to avoid more intense projects, I made these pipe covers this weekend from some old 3/4in plywood shelf-boards in the house (good, solid stock) and covered them with some left-over VCT tile (which cuts wonderfully on the table saw).
These pipes confused us at first until Mark LaChance informed me that code required that there were no under-slab sweat joints allowed -- so any joinery had to be brought up and out of the slab... this might've been just for the potable water as there are no joint clusters for the radiant heat pipes that I can find (or perhaps these pipes are crazy long and twisty). The manifold for the heat (adjustments) is in the hall closet with more potable water joinery.
These covers will be handy when something in the closet decides to fall.
Marty took the opportunity to inspect the work as well.
interesting. so, these are not radiant heat pipes?
Posted by: Nomar | November 29, 2007 at 03:04 PM
dunno. i was told by lachance that they were potable water... and they are next to the bathroom... plus the control manifold (which would also join) is next to a similar set in the hall closet (adjacent to the other bathroom), so my guess is potable water. we have copper pipes throughout.
Posted by: redneckmodern | November 29, 2007 at 09:42 PM